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What is the price of Kujira?

The price of Kujira has fallen by 13.99% in the past 7 days. The price declined by 3.65% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price grew by 0.01%. The current price is $0.72 per KUJI. Kujira is 62.67% below the all time high of $1.92. The current circulating supply is 0 KUJI. This content is for informational purposes only.

Can Kujira be traded using Coinbase wallet?

Kujira can be traded using Coinbase Wallet, your key to the world of crypto. Kujira is only available through Coinbase Wallet. Assets on Coinbase Wallet are not held by Coinbase. Use of Coinbase Wallet is subject to these terms. Coinbase users can earn up to $400 on average just by taking advantage of our rewards. Get started now.

Does Kujira offer discounted collaterals on Terra?

To fulfill this promise, Kujira introduced a DApp called ORCA that allows users to bid on discounted collaterals on Terra. ORCA does not require users to trade huge chunks of liquidity or need any technical knowledge of smart contract coding to participate in liquidation.

What is a bullish Trendline in Kujira?

A bullish trendline is a an upward-sloping diagonal line connecting two or more higher price lows. You can buy Kujira using Coinbase Wallet, your key to the world of crypto. We wrote a guide on how you can buy Kujira using Coinbase wallet.

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